Transparent Administration

The Italian Regulation. 33 of the 14 March 2013 ed succession n. 97 of the 25 May 2016 They have reorganized the provisions applicable to the advertising requirements, transparency and dissemination of information by public authorities. The decrees define the transparency requirements concerning the organization and activities of public authorities as well as the quality, the accessibility and the updating of information.

Transparency is meant as total accessibility of information about the organization and activities of public administrations, the pursuit of the institutional functions the use of public resources.

L’Asea è impegnata nella organizzazione dei contenuti per adempiere gli obblighi di legge e rendere sempre più efficiente la comunicazione con i cittadini.

Please note that the content contained in the individual sections are constantly updated in relation to the production, by the competent offices, delle informazioni necessarie previste dalla normativa. For this reason it is possible that some information is not yet available and will be as soon as possible.

I dati personali sono riutilizzabili in termini compatibili con gli scopi per i quali sono raccolti e nel rispetto del norme sulla loro protezione.

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