Competition Mother Water

It took place on 24 May at the council hall of the Fortress of the Rectors in Benevento the awards ceremony of the competition Mother Water III edition, promoted by the Special ASEA.

Filled the council chamber, where there were all winning classes along with their teachers and their school principals.

Inaugurating the ceremony was the President Alfredo dell'Asea Cataudo, who thanked those who participated in the competition, noting the success and the high quality of the processed products. reiterating also, the strategic role of Campolattaro dam to the territory of the province of Benevento.

He later brought his greetings, the official Cosimo Iuliano, in Provincial Education Office name.

Interesting the intervention of the geologist Michele Welcome focused on the need to adopt prevention policies in the territorial government, to avoid future disasters, also noting the role of the younger generation in the awareness of the importance of water resources.

It then proceeded to the award ceremony. Under primary and secondary schools of First Instance it was ranked in first place: the Class II primary school Foiano Valfortore with the elaborate The story of Pauline and Ruru a story based on the strong flood experience lived by the pupils of the center fortorino, a truly developed creative and original.

For the secondary school section of a second grade class II section A was successful Class I Section A of the Economic Institute of Technical Circello with the elaborate Brother ... Sister River dam. A high quality research work, rolling on the role played by the dam, with a set of concrete proposals to prevent further flooding in the Sannio.

Overall, the award winning works have dealt with the different themes proposed by the competition from the natural environment to the historical, the question of the flood of October, all with a high artistic value, Scientific and communicative.

The other classes have presented their work and have received awards. In addition to the cash prize to all participants, It was also handed a certificate and the informational and educational materials.

In the next days, by the close of the school year, The winning class will visit the dam Campolattaro, both the infrastructure and management framework that the oasis of the WWF.

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