Report on the national energy situation,it – 2015

E’ It was published by the Ministry of Economic Development Report on the national energy situation year 2015.


In 2015, the consolidation of supply of crude oil and gas has exerted further downward pressure on prices; this reduction was followed by a recovery in consumption in OECD countries, in particular in Europe. Continued deployment of renewable sources with a significant contribution of the emerging economies, in particular China. For the first time after 10 years has reduced the global coal trade.

In Italy, although it remains a significant dependence on foreign sources, It continued the transition, going on for some years, towards a more efficient energy system, autonomous and lower carbon intensity.

In 2015, after a negative trend of 4 years, It has increased the demand for primary energy, supported by more favorable economic climate, which nevertheless it remains at historically low levels. Given a general reduction of national production increased imports, especially those of hydrocarbons, and the degree of dependence on foreign. The lower domestic production has also been extended to renewable energy: this has contributed to the return of hydroelectric generation to normal levels after the strong growth of 2014 linked to an extraordinary level of rainfall.

Even the final consumption, which take account of transformation losses, They have increased for the first time since 2010 with a positive contribution from all sectors, with the exception of industry whose general dynamics have been influenced by a shift towards more efficient industries and less energy-intensive.

Faced with a reduction in the production of electricity from renewable sources, there was a growth in the use of renewable thermal energy, in particular firewood and pellets for heating, that confirm, as it happened in 2014, the achievement of objectives in advance to 2020 in terms of percentage of renewables in gross final energy consumption (17 percent).

Continuing policy support to energy efficiency. At the end of 2014, l'indice ODEX, which measures progress in terms of energy efficiency, He reported a slight improvement.

The spread between the prices of energy products in Italy and the European Union remains positive, albeit in reduced, substantially due to the different tax pressure. Given the difficulty of reducing energy use in the short to medium term, the dynamics of prices may be reflected in higher spending and hence a loss of competitiveness for enterprises and an exacerbation of the energy poverty of the families. The importance of this phenomenon requires to prepare a more accurate measurement.

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