Verifica impianti di climatizzazione

Information in response to the note of the President of CNA

"If it is true that the budget of the Agency owned by the Province is based on more than 50% on receipts of controls […]'Reads the note from the President of the CNA. We affirm, without fear of contradiction, that the conditional sentence is False.
first of all, ASEA acts always in strict compliance with laws and regulations in force in the field of inspection and supervision of plants for the winter and summer air conditioning of buildings, with the exclusive purpose of maintaining and improving its energy efficiency by ensuring, at a time, the safety of such plants and the reduction in the bill of costs for citizens.
About the numbers and the objective data, please note that in 8 years in business this territorial control body has surveyed, ascertained and / or inspected about 100 thousand plants reporting a reduction in emissions in the upper atmosphere 550 tons of CO2.
It should also be remembered that they are "onerous" Only the inspections on the plants that were not the subject of the planned energy efficiency control, according to rules and procedures in force, in addition to those inherent in the installations which are objectively in contrast, even partially, with the technical and procedural requirements of the sector.
The contributions related to onerous inspections are continuously decrease incisive effect awareness and control dall'ASEA made over the years. these contributions, technically the reimbursement of costs, affect the company's turnover for the actual share that no longer reaches the 20% (about 18% in 2015) in front of the service operation inspection costs consistently higher. Pertanto, not only is there, or there could be, no intent on harassing users if the policy objective, tenaciously pursued over the years, It come to a street lighting system more efficient and safe. In this sense, much it has been done and the provincial plant picture is much improved, also thanks to the collaboration had over time by the associations of maintenance workers and consumers.
The rule (it D.L.vo 192/05), that the President of the CNA has the audacity to flip, provides that inspections are carried out from facilities not declared, then the older ones and of those for which in the process of document determination emerge critical situations. Parallel are inspected at least 5% the plants whose maintenance has been duly declared for the acknowledgment of compliance with the law and veracity of the technical monitoring reports submitted. Frankly, it is difficult to understand the reasons why the president of the CNA to dislike especially the latter kind of feedback.
About inspection staff, all qualified and with experience, it is useful to spell out how the ASEA today operates with relationships for which the fees are completely released the result of the plant control activities. At maturity of the relationship, Agency will carefully addivenire to appropriate solutions in accordance with the rules and corporate prerogatives.
Finally, remember how the ASEA has been recognized as a work table coordinator of the regional management bodies of the public inspection function and control of temici besides being, to date, in consequence of the work performed, privileged partner of the Campania region in the preparatory work on the draft of the regional regulation for the purpose of giving uniformity to the function on the entire territory of Campania.


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