Training course

This morning the final day of the first training module for the installer and maintenance companies of the air conditioning systems was held this morning.,,it,Regional Law n.30 / 2018 was published in the Burc of the Campania Region,,it,Rules concerning heating systems and energy certification of buildings ",,it, use of the telematic platform prepared for the transmission of the RCEE,,it,Control reports on energy efficiency,,it,for the establishment of the provincial thermal cadastre,,it,Numerous participation from companies that have welcomed innovation,,it,The operational implications of recent regional readings on thermal plants were also discussed,,it,recently entered into force,,it (Rapporti di controllo dell’efficienza energetica), per la costituzione del catasto termico provinciale. Numerosa la partecipazione delle ditte che hanno bene accolto l’innovazione. Si è inoltre discusso dei risvolti operativi della recente leggere regionale sugli impianti termici, da poco entrata in vigore,


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