Corporate bodies

Board of Directors

The ASEA Special Company is managed by a Board of Directors,,co,The Board of Directors in office until,,it,was composed of,,it,Currently the Company is managed by the Extraordinary Commissioner,,it,lawyer,,it, It composed of three members, including the President, appointed, with special measures, by the President of the Province of Benevento, according to the Provincial Council addresses. I componenti del Consiglio di Amministrazione durano in carica tre anni e sono rieleggibili nei limiti consentiti dalla normativa vigente.

The Board of Directors currently in office is made up of:

President: Giovanni Mastrocinque

adviser: Rita Angrisani

adviser: Giuseppe Ricci


The Chairman of the Board of Directors is appointed by the President of the Province of Benevento, in accordance with the policies formulated by the Provincial Council, among the members of the Board of Directors itself. The President is the legal representative of the company special in relations with the local authorities, regional, state, supranational, Community and international, ensure implementation of the guidelines set out by the Provincial Council and stands as a constant connection between the Management and the Board of Directors and between the company and the President of the Province of Benevento.

Revisore unico legali dei conti

L’Organo di Revisione è costituito da un unico Revisore Legale dei Conti iscritto nel Registro dei Revisori contabili ai sensi del D.Lgs. n. 88/1992 e del D.Lgs. n. 39/2010. Il Revisore unico Legale dei Conti è nominato, con apposito provvedimento, by the President of the Province of Benevento, previo espletamento di apposita procedura ad evidenza pubblica. Il Revisore unico Legale dei Conti resta in carica fino all’approvazione del bilancio relativo al terzo esercizio della carica e, comunque, fino alla ricostituzione dell’Organo di Revisione.

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