Corsi di formazione

ASEA is a training body accredited by the Campania Region,,it,The ASEA will organize a new edition of the training course and professional training specifically intended for maintenance technicians and installers of plants for the winter and summer air conditioning of buildings,,it,The activities will begin in October,,it,edition,,it , con Decreto n. 88 of the 20.05.2014 – confirmed with Executive Decree no,,it,ASEA organizes,,co,periodically,,it,a training and professional updating course specifically aimed at maintenance technicians and installers of winter and summer air conditioning systems for buildings,,it,In detail, the course focuses on the use of the telematic platform dedicated to professional figures for the transmission of energy efficiency reports within the specifically designed thermal cadastre in application of the DPR,,it,For information and registration contact the ASEA,,it, tel,,en,Courses performed,,it. 4 of the 28.12.2018


L’ASEA organizza, periodicamente, un corso di formazione ed aggiornamento professionale rivolto specificamente ai manutentori ed agli installatori di impianti per la climatizzazione invernale ed estiva degli edifici, Nel dettaglio il corso verte sull’uso della piattaforma telematica dedicata alle figure professionali per la trasmissione dei rapporti di efficienza energetica all’interno del catasto termico appositamente strutturato in applicazione del DPR 74/2013 and of the LR,,it,COURSES ALREADY,,co,CARRIED OUT,,it,The first module was held on Monday,,it,The topic of the module was declined in the telematic management of the transmission of control and energy efficiency reports,,it,Participants need to bring a laptop and at least five copies of the energy efficiency reports already processed,,it. 39/2018

Per informazioni ed iscrizioni contattare l’ASEA: tel. 0824.351235



Il primo modulo si è tenuto lunedì 5 December pm 14:00 at 17:00 at the headquarters in via dell'ASEA Pezzapiana in Benevento. L’argomento del modulo si è declinato nella gestione telematica della trasmissione dei rapporti di controllo ed efficienza energetica. Per i partecipanti è necessario portarsi un pc portatile ed almeno cinque copie dei rapporti di efficienza energetica già lavorati, referring to the current biennium, in order to carry out the tests of transmission practices.

It is an opportunity for technical and specialized comparison update for operators wishing to keep pace with the continued evolution of matter.

In proposing the ASEA training emphasizes the spirit of cooperation, always pursued and carried, with professionals dedicated to the installation and maintenance of heating systems.

The training modules are inherent in the complex of related standards and activities with the energy efficiency of thermal plants together with the implementation and the electronic management (web-based) Derivatives technical data of the same activities in line with the provisions of the Presidential Decree 74/2013.

The course is structured in three discontinuous training modules: normative references, technical module, exercises.

Nello specifico, a first module provides for the deepening of the latest regulatory updates together with the technical specifications.

The technical module mainly will approach the summer conditioning with experts in the field, constantly growing and awaiting specific implementing legislation. They will accordingly be addressed the unique aspects of energy efficiency in buildings.

finally, with reference to the exercise module, ASEA will provide the electronic platform for the technical data management related activities. From the same platform it will be possible, for the biennium 2016-2017, access to all the technical rules of the sector which is constantly updated dall'ASEA in its Territorial Organ Function Control.

The course will also be an opportunity for discussion among operators about the specific operating purely technical aspects of the industry.

To join just fill out the Form of adhesion and send it via Pec at or cosegnarlo hand at our office in Cda Pezzapiana Z.I. a Benevento. Together with the form must be attached: l 'attestation payment fee equal to a total of EUR 100,00 (including VAT where foreseen).

WERE GOING: IT85Q0526215001CC1350101215

CAUSAL: "Thermal plants - short training course for the electronic management (web-based) the technical data of the control reports (DPR 74/2013)».

The deadline to join the training course has expired on Tuesday, 15 November 2016.


previous news


Last 10/06/2016 was the deadline for submitting applications for the tender training, promoted by Inail, dedicated to the strengthening of skills in the field of Health and safety for small and medium-sized enterprises.

L’Asea, with other partners on the national territory, It drew up a training program for the following themes:

– adoption of models of organization and management pursuant to Article. 30 Leg. 81/2008 e s.m.i. with a view to development of the reporting system and organizational culture change

– training on aspects of organizational and management and technical-operational in contract work and confined environments, with particular reference to emergency management

– Training for the 'adoption of safe behavior, aimed at the prevention of injuries and tecnopatico

– Training in risk assessment under Article. 28 comma 1 the d. lgs. 81/2008 e s.m.i., with particular attention to the specificities of those related to work-related stress, all female workers who are pregnant, all Gender differences and others in which it applies;

Not part of the project the mandatory training.

In case of positive evaluation of the proposal submitted, training courses for companies that have applied, complete the relevant forms, indicatively start in the month of January,it 2017.

Project Contact

Gianluca Maiorano

Tel. 0824-29647 ore 9:00 – 13:00



UNI EN ISO 9001:200 N. 50 100 13361/2 of the 15/02/2016

The ASEA is accredited as an Undertaking Education by the Campania Region,it, con Decreto n. 88 of the 20.05.2014.

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