Thermal plants,,it,Go to Thermal plants,,it,imp,,en,you,,el,Acts and Forms,,it

The service relates to the detection and control of the state of operation and maintenance of heating systems of all municipalities in the province of Benevento, Excluding the capital city. Because according to the law for municipalities with more than forty thousand inhabitants the person responsible for the control of thermal plants is the municipality itself and not the province.

The verification of the thermal systems arises the purposes:
– improve energy efficiency through the reduction of energy consumption.
– enhance environmental quality through the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere.
– protect public health through increased plant safety.

The Benevento Province has entrusted all'ASEA, by resolution of the Provincial Council of 22 27 feb. 2008, the activation of the verification of the thermal systems in the service implementation of Article. 4, comma 4, the law 9 January 1991 n° 10 and related decrees and s.m.i.

The new Disciplinare Tecnico Public-finding function, inspection and control of heating systems approved by the Province of Benevento incorporates the changes introduced by the new legislation specifically from D.P.R. n. 74 of the 16 April 2013 and regulates the function starting from the two-year period,,it,maintenance and assistance centers that transfer to ASEA the declaration of "energy efficiency" for the two-year period,,it,exclusively,,it,during the month of June, technical meetings will be organized with the Consumer Protection Associations and with the trade associations, and subsequently the informative material will be delivered to each municipality of the province.,,it 2022/23.


Read l,,it,of the D,,ca,e dell’art,,en,EU,,it,Read the,,it,of the Ministry of Economic Development,,it,Energy efficiency control reports must be transmitted to the ASEA no later than the day,,it,by the end of September, technical meetings will be organized with consumer protection associations and trade associations, and information material will be delivered to each municipality in the province.,,it,Download the,,it,information manifesto,,pt’Informativa trattamento dati utenti pursuant to Article. 13 del D. Lgs. 196/2003 e dell’art. 13 del Reg. UE 2016/679.

According to the regulations and require the plant manager (owner, lessee or third party responsible) regular maintenance of the heating system at rates and methods established and checking of the combustion efficiency generator with separate intervals depending on the characteristics and the outdated system.


The execution took place the maintenance of the generator and the combustion performance verification must be proved by transmitting entity responsible for the controls of a declaration on special forms.

A partire dal 01/06/2014 tutti gli impianti di climatizzazione sono muniti di “ libretto per la climatizzazione” di cui all’allegato I del DPR 74/2013;

inoltre con il D.M. 10 febbraio 2014 (G.U. n. 55 of the 07/03/2014) sono stati emanati i rapporti di controllo di efficienza energetica diversificati in rispondenza della tipologia impiantistica presente nell’edificio e precisamente:

Allegato II – Rapporto di controllo di efficienza energetica tipo 1 (gruppi termici)

Allegato III – Rapporto di controllo di efficienza energetica tipo 2 (gruppi frigo)

Allegato IV – Rapporto di controllo di efficienza energetica tipo 3 (scambiatori)

Allegato V – Rapporto di controllo di efficienza energetica tipo 4 (cogeneratori)

Si ribadisce inoltre che con la legge della Regione Campania 39/2018 e successive Linee Guida (delibera G.R. n° 100 of the 29/02/2024) le attività di manutenzione e controllo relative all’efficienza energetica è stata estesa anche agli apparecchi alimentati a biomassa solida (legna – pelletsgusci – bricchette – cippato) ed altri combustibili ammessi dal D.lgs. 152/06.

L’allegato rispondente per le attività di controllo e manutenzione dei predetti apparecchi è l’allegato Tipo 1 BS approvato dal Consiglio Provinciale della Provincia di Benevento (Ente Competente stabilito dalla legge 10/91 e successivi decreti Legislativi) con Deliberazione n° 24 of the 13/09/2022;

The burden of transmission dell'apposita statement, signed by the head of the heating system, It will be made directly by the maintainer / installer.

Leggi le FAQ general information on the air conditioning system verification service,,it,Read the,,it,Informative note,,it,inerente he D.M,,fr,Application of calculation methods for energy performance and definition of minimum building requirements and requirements,,it.

Leggi la Nota informativa inerente il D.M. 26/06/2015 – Applicazione delle metodologie di calcolo delle prestazioni energetiche e definizione delle prescrizioni e dei requisiti minimi degli edifici.

Under d.p.r. 74/2013, They are subject to energy efficiency control the heating installations in winter heating useful rated thermal input greater than 10 kw and summer cooling systems of thermal effective rated output greater than 12 kw and all plants and assimilated. The energy efficiency controls, in the peculiar nature of Article. 10, comma 3, the d.p.r. 74/2013 and in accordance with the regional provisions matter, They are made according to the schedule established by the competent authority in line with the type and power of plants.

The energy efficiency audit reports must be delivered all'Asea accompanied of the appropriate serial dot according to the articulation of the plants.

The transmission of reports is done exclusively by maintenance personnel or by third parties responsible in accordance with the procedures and terms established dall'Asea.

The "serial label 'awarded dall'Asea operators comply with the requirements of the specification provincial technical, It is affixed to the energy efficiency ratio at the end of the control and maintenance operations.

biennium 2024-25: the energy efficiency control reports must be sent to ASEA,,it,within and no further than,,it,View the,,es,Determine Employer,,it,- Programming Sector,,it,Users,,it,providers,,it,collaborators and maintenance / installer firms,,it,they must use remote communication tools,,it,Access to the ASEA corporate offices,,it,located at Piazza Gramazio n,,it,is allowed only for urgent and non-postponable reasons and exclusively according to the following conditions,,it,Reservation required,,it,Access allowed to only one person at a time,,it,Mandatory use of masks,,it,Signing of the specific form provided by the staff in charge for this purpose,,it,municipalities in the province of Benevento will resume starting from,,it entro il 31dicembre 2025

Please note the installation firms, manutenzione e centri di assistenza che il trasferimento all’ASEA delle dichiarazioni di “efficienza energetica” per il biennio 2018/19 all'ASEA is allowed esclusivamente with electronic filing through the "portal maintainers", specially structured and dedicated exclusively to companies in good standing with the administrative procedures required for membership.

information campaign 2022-23: Information for the mayors,it,Video of the Technical Seminary Fomitive Maintenance Air conditioning plants powered by solid biomass,itVideo del seminario tecnico fomativo manutenzione impianti climatizzazione alimentati a biomassa solida

In all the municipalities of the province, It is currently under inspection, declaration biennium 2020-2021 of heating systems with power is below that of more than 35kW (30.100kcal/h)

The user, holder, responsible, occupant of a housing unit with heating system (< 35 kW) It is forewarned with a warning letter at least fifteen days prior to the inspection date. In the letter they are given: the day, the time slot and directions to prepare for inspection.

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